Designer High Quality Valentino Replica Handbags -

The BB Bags are getting handle-d and we love what Valentino Replica Handbags is doing. We adore the medium Cherrywood Bag when it first came out a few months ago, but the BB is just too cute. Funny though, the medium size and the BB size are slightly different. The medium size looks more like a nice shoulder bag while the BB version is more like a handle bag (or doctor’s bag).

Valentino Replica Handbags

The Valentino Replica Handbags is released for the Fall Winter 2018 Collection. The Cherry Wood Bag is inspired by the Valentino Replica Handbags origins as a luxury trunk maker.

Blended with Monogram Canvas and the modern miroir Vernis for the contemporary look. The CherryWood Handle BB Bag is an eye-catching object that every woman wants. The Miroir Vernis is made from patent leather while balanced with the signature Monogram. There are parts that are crafted from natural cowhide, for example – the handle.

The center is built with the emblematic tuck lock and on top refined with Monogram detailing. The right bottom is embossed with the LV logo to boast the elegance.

And while the medium size is made with long curvy handles, the BB size is happily re-shaped with short handles to optimize its cuteness. The sides can be attached with removable and adjustable strap, which also means; it can be carried on the shoulder, cross body or by hand.

The is suitable for all occasions including shopping afternoons or day-to-evening-use.