The Replica Celine Handbags is inspired by the House’s historic Malle Fleur. We’ve written a review about the modern-version of the Malle Fleur Bag. The Malle Fleur also means flower trunk.
The purpose of the Replica Celine Handbags is to create a classic hard-sided case to transport your perfumes. The fashion woman must have more than 1 bottle and this bag offers the perfect solution.
The box is made in Monogram Canvas and partly constructed with Beech wood frame. The Malletage quilting is designed on the lid and it comes with the VVN handle for hand carry. The other gorgeous piece is the S-lock closure.
The interior is created with Vuittonite lining. It contains 3 compartments to hold bottles and a little drawer for your most precious treasures. And naturally, this box bag can also be used for other reasons.
Measuring 9.8’ x 9.3’ x 4.1’ inches, priced at $5450 USD, $6300 CAD, €3700 EUR, £3450 GBP, 40500 CNY via Gucci Replica Handbags boutiques.