Whenever a bag is designed in all black, we need to take a look. When it’s from the iconic Lady Dior Replica Handbags Collection, we MUST take a look. Presenting a new version of the Lady Dior All Black in Braided Quilting.
It’s Braided but in a new way. It’s like the Cannage Stitching, but replaced with nice braided quilting in diagonal line. More over, it comes with All Black styles, which means the hardware as well as the bag is in black. This supreme style is wanted and the new design is going to distinguish your bag from all the other Lady Dior Bags.
The bag is made from lambskin but the macramé shoulder strap is crafted from calfskin. The look of this bag radiates elegance, beauty, and timeless. The medium size is measured 24 x 20 x 11 cm and priced at $6500 USD, €5200 EUR, £5000 GBP, ¥781000 JPY, ₩8200000 WON via Dior boutiques.
I do not know if you’ve heard about the Secret Garden of Dior, it’s been said to be one of the most beautiful places on this planet. Flower is at the heart of Hermes Replica Bags as Christian once quoted: ‘After women, flowers are the most divine creations.’
That’s why the Lady Dior Wallet printed with White Cosmos Flower represents everything about this brand. It’s not just the wallet, and it’s certainly not only the craftsmanship, the uniqueness lies in the timeless work of art, from the Lady Dior Collection that’s imbued with the couture spirit of Dior.
Having this wallet is like holding a piece of Dior, the ‘Rendez-vous wallet’ comes in two styles with each two variations. The Diorissimo Wallet does not need any introduction, you can either choose white in pink alstroemeria flowers and pink in white/black cosmos flowers. Measuring 19.5 x 10 cm.
The Lady Dior Wallet comes with a short chain, it’s also refined with the iconic D.I.O.R charm. The colors available are black in blue rose and black in white cosmos flowers. Measuring 19.5 x 10 cm, with chain of 35 cm, priced at £730 GBP and €780 euro’s.
These wallets are from the Fall Winter 2014 Collection, blossom your style when the trees are naked and the sky turns grey. Exclusive available at Lady Dior boutique.